What is a Developmental Disability?
Under federal law a Developmental Disability is a severe, often lifelong disability that affects people before they reach the age of 22 and substantially limits functioning ability in three or more life activities such as self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, independent living and/or employability..

How are CentrePoint Support Living services funded?
The majority of funding for CentrePoint Support Living’s services is appropriated by the Colorado legislature. Services for adults are funded by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing Division for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The Colorado Department of Education is directly responsible for funding services that Laradon provides to children.

Prior to admission to one of CentrePoint Support Living’s programs, verification of funding is required. Those interested in privately paying for services will enter into a contractual relationship, and rates for services will be determined at the time of admission and are included as part of the contract.

What are CentrePoint Support Living’s administrative costs?
CentrePoint Support Living’s administrative costs are approximately $750,000 annually. CentrePoint’s funds are tightly focused on programs that positively impact its participants.

What is a Community Centered Board?
A Community Centered Board (CCB) is a private, non-profit organization that is designated as the single point of entry into Colorado’s system for persons with developmental disabilities. Currently, there are 20 CCBs. Each serves a specific region of the state. CCBs are responsible for intake, eligibility determination, service plan development, arrangement and delivery of services. CCBs play a vital role in managing limited resources at the local level to meet the individual needs of citizens and address the overall needs of the local service area. Click here for a list of CCBs and county map.

How do I get my son, daughter or family member enrolled in CentrePoint?
The enrollment process depends on the age of the individual and what program they wish to enroll in. The best way to enroll an individual is to call their school district’s special education coordinator or the CCB for your region. Our admission criteria for each program are available on this website or you may call CentrePoint’s Placement Coordinator, at (303-591-2185) to request more information.

What age groups do CentrePoint programs serve?
CentrePoint Support Living serves the following age groups:

Birth to 3 years old – Early Childhood Intervention Program

5 to 18 years old – Children Extensive Programs

18 years old and up – Adult Programs

Where is CentrePoint Support Living located?
CentrePoint’s main campus is in Southeast Aurora, at 21755 E. Smoky Hill Road, Aurora, CO 80115. Our community care center is located In the (PLC Building) in the rear of the campus. Many of CentrePoint Support Living’s program operations take place in the community, including private homes and private businesses throughout the Denver metropolitan area.